a. To overcome the absence of quality Eye care services and facilities by providing modern eye hospital services of specialist in various functional areas to the residents of Balrampur and neighboring areas.

b. Balrampur being a major Buddhist tourist place, being close to Shravasti where Buddha set up abode by many years, the Eye hospital shall have an attractive wellness center to meet the demands of the foreign tourists visiting this place and also provide them with a modern eye care facility at reasonable cost.

c. The hospital shall also have holistic healthcare services / alternate medicine services like naturopathy , yoga, meditation, Ayurveda etc. which is an approach to life that considers multidimensional aspects of wellness. It encourages individuals to recognize the whole person: physical, mental, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual. and therefore expose the foreign tourists to these practices which is now accepted around the world, and the same be well made available in the midst of green fields and Orchards .

d. To provide an opportunity to practicing doctors in and around Balrampur to work with the state of art medical equipments

e. The Hospital will also provide study of Genetics, and services to prevent and cure blindness among children which is specifically needed in Uttar Pradesh. Congenital and developmental as well as blindness (retinitis pignentosa , retinal disease , retiolental Fibroplasia, and other retinopathies of prematurity) and heredity eye conditions can be assessed and treated by Gene therapy & or  by stem cell therapy. Genetics is a branch of biology that studies the inheritance of physical and behavioral characteristics of living things, and how these traits are passed down through generations. Geneticists study genes and the science of heredity (inherited traits passed down through generations). Visual loss in children or infant can occur either at the stage of prenatal (during the time of conception or intrauterine period) or postnatal stage (during birth). The hospital will have the facility of Retinopathy , Genetic Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy.

f.  This hospital will have facilities such as tele- medicine connecting patients to specialists in India and abroad.

g. To provide the opportunity and facilities to NRI Doctors and nurses to work in a modern hospital in a rural setting of India.

h. To provide facilities for medical research and data analysis to help and contribute to medical sciences and understanding of treating ailments and diseases in the Indian sub continents.

i.  As Contribution towards complementing  government initiatives towards control of blindness this hospital will provide free eye care facilities to extremely poor patients who can not afford as fulfillment of corporate social responsibility.